Selasa, 08 Mei 2012


Mutiara yang Tersembunyi

Otonomi daerah yang dicanangkan oleh pemerintah  memberi kesempatan bagi kepala daerah tingkat kabupaten untuk melakukan kebijakan pemekaran wilayah. Pemekaran wilayah merupakan salah satu kebijakan dengan tujuan agar suatu daerah mampu mengembangkan diri terhadap potensi daerah tersebut.  Kabupaten Kebumen melakukan kebijakan tersebut terhadap beberapa kecamatan salah satunya adalah Kecamatan Poncowarno. Potensi daerah yang ada di Kecamatan Poncowarno cukup banyak. Hal ini terdapat di berbagai bidang seperti sumber daya alam dan pariwisata.  Belum lama ini Pemerintah daerah tingkat kecamatan di Poncowarno mengembangkan potensi daerah wisatanya berupa Jembangan Wisata Alam (JWA).  

Tempat wisata baru ini terletak di Desa Jembangan Kecamatan Poncowarno Kabupaten Kebumen, sekitar 1 jam dari pusat Kota Kebumen. Sungai alam yang dibatasi oleh sebuah bendungan ini terletak bersebelahan dengan PLTA Pejengkolan. Aliran air dari Waduk Wadaslintang yang terbendung ini dimanfaatkan sebagai objek wisata oleh pemerintah setempat. Karena alirannya yang tenang sehingga dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai objek wisata yang aman. Belum banyak orang yang mengetahui tempat ini karena memang belum banyak publikasi dari pemerintah tentang objek wisata ini. 

Hal utama yang menarik dari objek wisata ini adalah suasana alamnya yang memang masih sangat alami walaupun sarana untuk wisatawan belum dibangun secara maksimal. Ada beberapa sarana yang ada di area wisata ini a.l. berupa perahu yang bisa membawa anda berkeliling sungai yang diapit oleh tebing tinggi, rest area, warung makan sederhana, dan perahu “bebek air”. Untuk ke depannya, objek wisata ini akan dibangun kolam renang anak, beberapa restaurant, dan sarana lain untuk melengkapi kebutuhan wisatawan. Wisatawan dapat menikmati keindahan Jembangan Wisata Alam ini dengan keluarga, atau teman dengan memancing atau berkeliling area dengan perahu yang tentunya murah, hanya dengan 10 ribu anda bisa berkeliling sungai alam ini sekitar 1 jam. Untuk Urusan makanan, masih sangat terjangkau walaupun tentu menunya belum selengkap objek wisata lain. Ini baru sedikit dari mutiara alam yang tersembunyi di kawasan dengan tanah tertua di Asia Tenggara. Akankah muncul lagi mutiara alam itu? ya kita patut menunggu kejutan alam Kebumen dibalik ke”kalem”an daerah ini.

Rabu, 02 Mei 2012

My Grandfather and I

Everybody in this life has his or her stories, the stories can be both sad and happy ones. He or she also has someone who is special in his or her hearts, I have too. I have many wonderful stories, and I also have many special people in my heart. However, the story which is always memorable is my story about my grandfather. He is the father of my mother. My mother comes from Central Java, while my father comes from West Java. My grandfather is from Padang. I have a lot of families from different ethnics. I love to speak ngapak”, but I can also speak the Sundanese, and a little bit Minangkabau language.

When I was born, my father had an accident, and was hospitalized for a long time. It caused my mother struggled alone to give birth to me. However, my grandfather who stayed with my birth and also who called “adzan” in my ear could replace my father’s presence. It was the first sound I heard after I come into the world, the voice of my grandfather. Maybe that's my reason why I loved my grandfather very much. He was really very special in my eyes. Among all his grandchildren, I was the most beloved. My grandfather gave his money for me. I felt guilty to receive it, but he put the money secretly in my bag. My grandmother told me that my grandfather was very worried when my mother was giving birth of me. After he visited me, he used to tell about my growth with great enthusiasm and everything that I already did. 

One day, I managed to say the word "Mbah". It was the way of grandchildren calling his or her grandparents in Javanese language. At the moment, my grandfather moved to tears, because I could call him for the first time. Every holiday, I visited my grandfather's house. He told his life experiences. All of his stories were very interesting. They were about his adventures in exploring many cities in Indonesia, about the principle of his life, and about how he viewed this life. They were amazing to me.

I also greatly admired his life which was very religious. He prayed to God diligently. He also did the sunnah of worship, like fasting every Monday and Thursday, praying Tahajud and recitation Al Qur’an. One day, my grandfather was ill due to his stomach problem. He was hospitalized frequently, but he wasn’t getting better. I used to visit him when he was sick. One day, he was lying weakly on the bed. When he ate something, he was in pain. At that time I did the national examination in my senior high school, so I couldn’t go home to visit him. I planned that on the last day of the exam I would return. I was really afraid if I couldn’t see my grandfather. However, on the day I came home, my family informed me that my grandfather could not survive. He died without having a chance to see me, and to sooth my head.

My heart was hurt when I heard the news of my grandfather’s death. My grandfather, who loved me very much, passed away without saying any word to me. He died without waiting for my arrival. My aunt told me, two days before my grandfather died, he asked about me and told to my aunt that he really missed me. He understood   my situation. He prayed in order that I could pass the exams with good grades. Then, he asked my aunt to take the blanket and the clothes when once I was a baby in his cupboard. Then, he hugged it. While crying, he called my name   to tears.

I really regretted it, because I couldn’t see him at the last meeting. Up to now, I keep regreting it. I also missed him very much. When I missed him, I went to see his room, and sometimes, I fell asleep in my grandfather's room. I used to remember his advices, and all about him. He used to say that life was beautiful and it was a gift from God. He said this life was a promise to God, our promise to be the best and did everything as a worship to God. Therefore, we had the promise. We had to thank God for what He gives us, and He loves us.

When I’m getting older and looking back to the past, I hope I can be like my grandfather and say that the past … was wonderful !